
{WebApp} Web server application based on nng_http_* inspired by Flask Methods - constructor, parameters: -- server name to identify instance -- server url (http or https) -- json config or WebAppConfig object, attributes

--- static_url: relative url path to static assests
--- template_path: file path to the templates (for render_template, not implemented)
    -- void* context: context to pass as is into every handler calls, for example this pointer to use inside class instance
- start - run the webserver listener and thread pool
- stop - terminate the server thread pool
- set_tls - assign the previously prepared NNGTLS object
- route - register route handler, parameters

-- handler: - pointer to void function(WebData*, WebData*, void*); -- methods: array of ['GET','POST','PUT','DELETE',...] http methods to be accepted Handler should check the WebData request object and fill the WebData reply object

struct WebApp {}