Construct an Element based on buffer @param data - buffer
Compare two elements
Tries to convert the value to the type T. @return true if the function succeeds
@return the value as the HiBON type Type @throw if the element does not contain the type E and HiBONException is thrown
@return the value as the type T @throw if the element does not contain the type and HiBONException is thrown
@return the index of the key @throw if the key is not an index an HiBONException is thrown
@return true if the buffer block ends
* Check if the type match That template. * That template must have one parameter T as follows * @return true if the element is the type That
@return true if the element is of T
@return the key
@return the key length
Evaluates key position @return key position
@return the size of the element in bytes
@return the Type of the element
* Check if the element is valid * @return the error code the element. ErrorCode.NONE means that the element is valid
@return the HiBON Value of the element @throw if the type is invalid and HiBONException is thrown
@return the position of the value inside the element buffer
HiBON Element representation