HiBON Type codes
@return true if the type is a HiBON data array (This is not the same as HiBON.isArray)
Check if all the keys in range is indices and are consecutive @return true if keys is the indices of an HiBON array
@return true if the type is a valid HiBONRecord excluding narive types
@return true if the type is a internal native HiBON type
Converts from a text to a index @param a = the string to be converted to an index @param result = index value @return true if a is an index
Checks if the keys in the range is ordred @return true if all keys in the range is ordered
@return true if the key is a valid HiBON key
This function decides the order of the HiBON keys
HiBON Generic value used by the HiBON class and the Document struct
\file HiBONBase.d