Number of decided round in cached in memory
Perform check if round_to_be_decided can be decided If the round can be decided the the last_decided_round is set to round_to_be_decided
This function checks if the EventPackage is a RoundVote And added the round to the round_votes
If the round_to_be_decided is decided the this function Performs a epoch collection
Check the coin round limit
Calculates the number of rounds since the last decided round
Collected the votes in round r and reports it to the hashgraph by calling the hashgraph.epoch function
Counts the number of round from this round @r which has majority witnesses
Range from this round and down
If the round_to_be_decided has not been decided This function will send the RoundVote to the graph and mark round decided
Sets the round for an event and creates an new round if needed
Sets the round which is the start round
Range of rounds
The rounder takes care of cleaning up old round and keeps track of if an round has been decided or can be decided