Creates a wallet from a list for questions and answers
Calculates the amount which can be activate
Check the pincode
Throws a WalletExceptions if the wallet is not logged in
Checks if the pincode is correct
Checks that the answers to the question is correct
Second stage in updating wallet. Takes a read trt.dartRead recorder. Creates an array of DARTindices from readIndicesByPubkey recorder If some indices were found in the wallet but not in the trt, the indices are removed from the wallet. If some indices were found in the trt but not in the wallet, the indices are put into a new dartRead request.
Creates HiRPC to request an wallet update
Checks if the wallet contains a key-pair
Calcutales the locked amount in the network
Generates the key-pair from the pin code
Removes the key-pair
Create a payment to a list of Invoices and produces a signed-contract Collect the bill need and sign them in the contract
Retrieve the device-pin generation
Used for reading contract from TRT. Creates a trt.dartRead command for the TRT. Takes hash of given contract and creates dart index with #contract for lookup in TRT These indices are put into the trt.dartRead specifying the command.
Used for first step in updating wallet from TRT. Creates a trt.dartRead command for the TRT. Takes all derivers in the wallet and convert the pubkeys to #pubkey for lookup in TRT These indices are put into the trt.dartRead specifying the command.
Recover the key-pair from the quiz or the device-pincode
Register an invoice to the wallet
Set the account.hibon file
Set encrypted account.hibon file
Update the the wallet for a request update
Calcutales the total amount
Clear the locked bills
Updates the wallet based on the received dartRead
Calculates the amount in a list of bills
Create a new invoice which can be send to a payee
Function and data to recover, sign transaction and hold the account information